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Oatlands Golf Course

A shot of the club house and practise green with the lagoon in the distance
3rd Hole
The Oatlands Golf Course is a public, nine-hole course in the Tasmanian Midlands. Oatlands is a one-hour drive north of Hobart and a 90-minute drive south of Launceston on the Midlands Highway. The Oatlands Golf Club features fully watered greens, tees and fairways. This is an attractively laid-out course, which draws abundant bird life. The Club welcomes new members and green fee guests and regular competitions including a weekend mixed competition and Wednesday afternoon chicken run. The Oatlands Golf Club was also the location for the inaugural B Grade Amateur Championship of Tasmania in 2006. Holes: 9, Par: 70, Length: 5,414 metres, Australian Course Rating: 67.


Disabled access available, contact operator for details.


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