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Maydena Bike Park

Rider amongst ferns on Maydena Wilderness Trail
Riders descending from the summit of Maydena
Father and Son riding down Dirt Surfer
Riders on Climbing Trail
Rider amongst Maydena Scenery
Group of riders on one of Maydena Jump Freeride Trails
Towering Man Ferns over rider
Wilderness ATV Tour descending down from the Summit of Maydena Bike Park
Group of kids on a Kids Lesson at Maydena Bike Park
A selection of pizzas available at Maydena Bike Park
The Maydena Bike Park is a mountain bike park, located in Tasmania's Derwent Valley. The bike park operates two uplift services, providing access to 90+ individual trails including beginner and family-friendly rides, wilderness trails, epic advanced trails and everything in between. All trails capitalise on the park’s unique rainforest environment and massive 820m vertical elevation, offering trails of all types, for all abilities. The Park also offers; bike hire, a retail bike shop, a café, great food, a pump track, a bike school and new Wilderness ATV Tours.




Family Friendly

Food and Refreshments

Non Smoking

Picnic Area

Public Toilet

Disabled access available, contact operator for details.

Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC icon

Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC

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