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See Tasmania on the trot or at a canter with a horse-riding adventure.

Chances to see the state under horsepower range from carriage rides through Hobart, to horseback rides along national park beaches, to an epic crossing of the state. 


Best horse-riding trips

Cradle Country Adventures

Horse-riding trips with Cradle Country Adventures, based in the north, include the Speeler Plain, with views of Cradle Mountain, and half- and full-day beach and bush rides through Narawntapu National Park.

Horse Riding Tasmania

Ride along the sands of Seven Mile Beach, just outside Hobart, or through bush behind Buckland with Horse Riding Tasmania, based in the south. Rides range from 1hr to 2hr 30min, with multi-day bush rides also available. 

Narawntapu National Park

This national park on the Bass Strait coast, an hour’s drive north-west of Launceston, is tailor-made for horse riders, with holding yards (and an attached campground) and two dedicated horse trails: one along the empty sands of long Bakers Beach, and a 26km bush trail. Permits are required to bring horses into the park, and must be arranged at least four days in advance.


Heritage Horse Drawn Carriages

Sit back and let the horses show you through the streets of Hobart on a ride with Heritage Horse Drawn Carriages around the waterfront, Salamanca or Battery Point.

Tasmanian Trail

Tasmania’s ultimate long-distance horse ride is this 480km trail that crosses the state from Devonport in the north to Dover in the south. Shared with bushwalkers and cyclists, the marked trail skirts the state’s national parks to allow horse access. Horse riders should allow about three weeks for the full traverse, though the trail regularly passes through towns, allowing it to be ridden in shorter sections.

Two people experience Colonial Hobart by touring the Battery Point area and Salamanca Place, riding in an open carriage driven by a pair of horses.
Tanya Challice Photography

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