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Whitemark Foreshore Picnic Area

Exercite equipment on Whitemark Foreshore Flinders Island Tasmania
Mt Strzelecki  from Whitemark Jetty
Whitemark Foreshore barbecue
Facilities close by to the free gas barbecue at Whitemark Foreshore Flinders Island Tasmania
Whitemark Foreshore Barbecue Flinders Island Tasmania
Just beyond the Wharf Shed Restaurant and before the exercise equipment, you'll find an area equipped with a shaded gas BBQ and picnic tables. Available for day use, the gas for the BBQ is generously provided by Flinders Council. While a rainwater tank supplies freshwater for handwashing, bringing your own drinking water is recommended. The beach offers shallow, safe waters, making it an ideal location for children, especially during mid to high tide when the water warms over the sand. Dogs are welcome, and there's plenty of beach to explore. For those interested in a longer walk, the Bluff Track offers a 5 km return journey along the foreshore, leading to Bluff Road. Spend the evening taking a sunset walk on the beach, constructing sandcastles, or collecting shells. Keep an eye out for Paper Nautilus Shells, or "Argonauta Nodosa" which wash ashore between March and June. For dining options, the Interstate Hotel or Flinders Wharf are great choices. Fishing enthusiasts can purchase bait at the local pub and try their luck catching Squid or Trevally off the wharf.


Boating Facilities


Family Friendly

Pet Friendly - Enquire

Picnic Area

Public Toilet


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