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Walls of Jerusalem National Park

Walls of Jerusalem National Park
Walls of Jerusalem National Park
Walls of Jerusalem National Park
Walls of Jerusalem National Park
Walls of Jerusalem National Park
The jewels of the Walls of Jerusal​em National Park in Tasmania are best discovered in a pair of hiking boots. Located in the Tasmanian Wilde​rness World Heritage Area, the Walls of Jerusalem is a wild and inspiring alpine park with a labyrinth of highland lakes, craggy mountains and elegant stands of pure pencil pine forests. Its stunning landscape of precipitous dolerite peaks, moraines and tarns are the result of glaciation. The constantly changing landscape is as unpredictable as it is beautiful and walkers should come prepared, as the weather can shift from one hour to the next. The unique alpine vegetation and clean, crisp air of this remote highland region is sure to invigorate and inspire those with a sense of adventure. Please visit the Parks and Wildlife Service Tasmania website ( for further information about this national park including how to get there and things to do. Refer to the ‘know before you go’ webpage for more important information about alerts, safety in parks and entry fees.


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