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Trousers Point Great Short Walk

Trousers Point free gas barbecue area Flinders Island Tasmania
Trousers Point sits under the gaze of Mt Strzelecki and is known not only for its unusual rock features and two beautiful beaches, but also for its stunning ocean views taking in several off-shore islands. Trousers Point Beach is the most photographed and celebrated beach on the Island with crystal clear waters, wide expanses of white sand, and a mountain rising from the ocean. On the other side of Trousers Point is Fotheringate Bay with granite caves formed by emerging groundwater, marine erosion and alveolar weathering of cliffs. Trousers Point Walk, which circumnavigates the point from Trousers to Fotheringate in a 1.5-hour circuit is one of Tasmania's Great Short Walks. Park entry fees apply and can be paid at Service Tasmania in Whitemark. Annual pass holders please bring your 'Annual all parks card' to Flinders Island and display it on your vehicle. Toilets, drinking water (tank), gas barbecues, campsites (un-powered) at Trousers Point. Picnic tables at Fotheringate Beach. Classified as a Level 2 walk with short rocky sections that can become slippery when wet. Steep cliffs adjacent to the track in some sections. Walkers are advised to stay on the track and supervise children. Download the 60 Great Short Walks app free, from the iTunes Store.

Caravan / Camper Trailer / Campervan Sites / Campsites


Coach Parking

Family Friendly

Picnic Area

Public Toilet

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