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Three Falls Circuit - Great Short Walk

Three Falls Circuit - Great Short Walk
Three Falls Circuit - Great Short Walk
Three Falls Circuit - Great Short Walk
Three Falls Circuit is one of Tasmania’s 60 Great Short Walks. The 60 Great Short Walks offer the best of Tasmania's day walking opportunities. 2-2.5 hrs circuit, 6km circuit. Grade 3. The lower parts of Mount Field National Park, famous for Russell Falls, have much more to offer. This 6km circuit takes in not only Russell Falls, but also some of the other natural features of this section of the park. Most do the circuit anticlockwise, starting with the short walk to Russell Falls, then climbing to the beautiful Horseshoe Falls. The track continues through the Tall Trees walk​, taking in some magnificent specimens of swamp gums — the world's tallest flowering plant​. Next stop on this walk is Lady Barron Falls—a pretty little cascading waterfall which is particularly scenic after rain.​ Like Russell and Horseshoe falls, Lady Barron Falls is composed of marine Permian siltstone, faced by retreating sandstone layers. All three falls provide a glimpse of the underlying geology in a heavily forested area where the geology is otherwise hidden beneath vegetation and soils. The loop back to the visitor centre finishes with a long flight of wooden steps. Please refer to the Parks and Wildlife Service Tasmania website ( for up-to-date information about this walk, alerts, closures, safe walking guidelines, leave no trace principles and National Park entry fees where applicable.

Does not cater for people with access needs.



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