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The Nut

Stanley Nut
The Nut
The Nut
The Nut
The Nut Chairlift
The historic village of Stanley, in far north-west Tasmania, is nestled at the base of the Nut, a sheer-sided bluff - all that remains of an ancient volcanic plug. A walking track climbs to the summit of the Nut, or you can take the chairlift, with its spectacular views across Bass Strait beaches and over the town. There is accommodation and an excellent campground in Stanley, and the town is a good base for exploring the forests and coastlines further west. See seals, penguins, seabirds and other wildlife close to Stanley local operators offer a range of observation tours. The town was once the administrative centre for the Van Diemen's Land Company, a royal charter company, formed in 1824 during the reign of George IV. Highfield House, an imposing Georgian home was once the VDL Managers' residence. It is open to the public and overlooks the town below. To reach Stanley, turn off the Bass Highway (A2) 15 km east of Smithton.



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