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Harvesting saffron flowers overlooking the picturesque Huon River
Lilac coloured saffron flowers after being picked early in the morning
Red saffron threads protruding from lilac saffron flower
Caricature using saffron threads portraying our saffron family
Patrick and Sally holding large jar of saffron threads in the paddock
One gram jar of saffron displayed in hanmade Tasmanian oak box and a 100mg bottle of saffron
Tas-Saff Grower's Own saffron gin sitting on a log in the snow
Four bottles of saffron infused in water for 24 hours showing bright red colour
Saffron poached pear cheesecake drizzled with a saffron syrup and large jars of saffron
Reflections of the pink and blue sky on the Huon River at sunset in Glaziers Bay
Tas-Saff is the saffron hub south of the equator. Terry, Nicky and Patrick Noonan original sea-changers from Sydney in the late '80s, pioneered the saffron industry in Australia. You will find Tas-Saff perched high on the hill overlooking Glaziers Bay in the idyllic Huon Valley south of Hobart. Saffron is harvested each year during April and May. The lilac crocus flowers must be picked early each day before the sun comprises the integrity of the saffron. At night, they sit like little rockets with the tip poking through the soil, then they shoot up a few centimetres high in the morning when the sun comes out, hence their name, the Flower of the Sun. Spice collected from the fiery red stigma of the lilac crocus flowers has been valued for its culinary and medicinal properties for thousands of years. Tas-Saf offers free saffron gin and saffron tea tastings. The Tas-Saff farm is open 10 am - 5 pm for farm gate visits nearly all year.


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