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Tamar Island Wetlands Centre and Reserve

Families exploring the wetlands
The Tamar Island Wetlands is a unique urban wetlands reserve just a ten-minute drive from Launceston. A short (500 metre) walk from the interpretation centre takes you to a bird hide with seating where you can observe wetland birds on the lagoon and enjoy a restful break. An outstanding interpretation centre offers visitors the opportunity to learn more about the value of the wetlands. The interpretation centre and the boardwalk to the island have easy wheelchair access and both have disabled toilet facilities. The Tamar Island Wetlands Centre offers a range of activities for both adults and children. Volunteers present talks and activities on topics such as wetlands ecology, macro-invertebrates and the pest fish species Gambusia. A Discovery Ranger program operates daily over the summer holiday period.



Coach Parking

Enquiry Desk

Family Friendly

Interpretive Centre

Picnic Area

Public Toilet

Shop / Gift Shop

Actively welcomes people with access needs.



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