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Table Cape

Tulips on table Cape
Table Cape Wynyard
Table Cape Lookout Wynyard
Table Cape Tulips Wynyard
Table Cape Lighthouse
Tulips on Table Cape
The magnificent plateau of Table Cape is by far Wynyard's most remarkable natural wonder. Sitting at 180 metres high, 'The Cape' - as locals refer to it - dominates the Wynyard coastline and offers spectacular views of Tasmania's coast and agricultural farmlands. As you drive to the top of the remains of a 12 million-year-old volcano you'll reach Table Cape lookout where, on a clear day, you can see George Town's Low Head and mountain ranges over 175 kilometres away. Take a short stroll along the cliff-top walking track to the Table Cape Lighthouse. Table Cape is also home to the Table Cape Tulip Farm where acres of patchwork fields explode with colour each spring. This is a sight that will leave you breathless, so be sure to add a trip to Wynyard and Table Cape to your itinerary this spring. No visit to Table Cape is complete without a drive along the scenic Tollymore Road towards Boat Harbour Beach, where you will discover stunning coastal vistas, boutique accommodation and the award-winning Alchymia Distillery.


Coach Parking

Picnic Area

Disabled access available, contact operator for details.

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