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Pandani Grove - Great Short Walk

Walker on Pandani Grove - Great Short Walk
Pandani Grove - Great Short Walk
Pandani Grove is one of Tasmania’s 60 Great Short Walks. The 60 Great Short Walks offer the best of Tasmania's day walking opportunities. 30-40 minute circuit, 1.5km. Grade 2. The Pandani Grove is a delightful green oasis nestled beneath the ski slopes of Mount Field. The easy 1.5km circuit around Lake Dobson passes close by pandani growing amidst alpine gums and soft treeferns. These characterful pandani are the tallest heath in the world. There’s a population of platypus here too, so watch for their tell-tale ripples on the surface of the lake—particularly at dawn and dusk. The remarkable pandani is just one of many subalpine plants that are found in Tasmania and nowhere else on Earth. Along the walk you will encounter numerous alpine plants. At the far end of the lake, you will enter a stunning patch of forest dominated by a mixture of pandanis and pencil pine​s. Pencil pines are one of a number of ancient conifers that are endemic to Tasmania. Please refer to the Parks and Wildlife Service Tasmania website ( for up-to-date information about this walk, alerts, closures, safe walking guidelines, leave no trace principles and National Park entry fees where applicable.

Does not cater for people with access needs.



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