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Mt Field National Park

Mt Field National Park
Mt Field National Park
Mt Field National Park
Mt Field National Park
Mt Field National Park
As the winding road ascends through Mount Field National Park the stunning natural flora transforms, offering a constantly changing view as you climb to higher altitudes. Known as ‘the park for all seasons’, Mount Field is part of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area and home to some of the world’s tallest eucalypt forests, as well as a unique array of alpine vegetation. Mount Field National Park is one of Tasmania’s oldest national parks and is also one of its most diverse. Spectacular glaciated landscapes compete for attention with cascading waterfalls, including the breathtaking, three-tiered Russell Falls - arguably one of the most impressive waterfalls in Tasmania. Begin your Mount Field visit with a walk through the towering tree ferns and giant eucalypts on the short walk to Russell Falls, before travelling up the road toward Lake Dobson, where you will find longer day walks and, in winter, the snow-dusted slopes of the Mount Mawson ski field. During autumn, the hillsides of the Tarn Shelf are a riot of colour as the fagus turns gold, orange and red. Please visit the Parks and Wildlife Service Tasmania website ( for further information about this national park including how to get there and things to do. Refer to the ‘know before you go’ webpage for more important information about alerts, safety in parks and entry fees.




Interpretive Centre


Picnic Area

Public Toilet

Disabled access available, contact operator for details.




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