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Mount Montgomery

Mount Montgomery
Mount Montgomery is a walk in the Dial Range Reserves. 2 hours return, 5km return. Grade 3. The Dial Range is a distinctive feature of the landscape around the central north-west coast, consisting of multiple peaks with walking tracks. The summit of Mount Montgomery provides stunning views over the towns of Ulverstone, Penguin and acro​ss the broader coastline. It is unusual to have easy access to a mountain peak that provides such spectacular views over a large stretch of Tasmanian coastline. Meander through the dry eucalypt woodland, following Myrtle Creek. This creek bed varies throughout the year from completely dry through to a rushing river, with small waterfalls cascading down the surrounding rock formations. Explore different vegetation as the track continues to climb up to the summit at an elevation of 471m. Along the track you'll be able to see various orchids, fungi and wildlife. Be aware of mountain bikes in this area; all tracks are signposted as to whether they are for walking, bike riding or shared use. This track climbs approximately 330m in elevation over a distance of 2.5km. This route is approximately 1.5 hours return.​ Please refer to the Parks and Wildlife Service Tasmania website ( for up-to-date information about this walk, alerts, closures, safe walking guidelines, leave no trace principles and National Park entry fees where applicable.

Does not cater for people with access needs.



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