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Mount Brown

Mount Brown
Mount Brown is a walk in Tasman National Park. 4 hours return, 8 km return. Grade 3. The track to the summit of Mount Brown is steep with the view from the top well worth the effort. Gazing out over the blue ocean in clear weather you’ll have spectacular views of Cape Raoul, Cape Pillar and Tasman Island. Start this walk from the Remarkable Caves car park and head along the Maingon Blowhole Track. The track winds along the coast from Maingon Blowhole for another 1-2 hours until you will reach a junction. From here either turn north-east to towards Crescent Bay or continue south to climb Mount Brown. The main track stops about half way up to the summit. If you are keen to reach the trig point at the top, the ascending track toward the summmit is quite steep and requires some clambering over rocks. This part of the track is recommended for moderately fit walkers. Return to the car park via the same track. Please refer to the Parks and Wildlife Service Tasmania website ( for up-to-date information about this walk, alerts, closures, safe walking guidelines, leave no trace principles and National Park entry fees where applicable.

Does not cater for people with access needs.



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