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Moulting Lagoon

Moulting Lagoon
Kayaking around Moulting Lagoon
Sunset at Moulting Lagoon
Tide flow at Moulting Lagoon
Fishing at Moulting Lagoon
Jetty at Moulting Lagoon
Moulting Lagoon is a large wetland of extraordinary beauty at the northern end of Great Oyster Bay on Tasmania’s east coast. It is internationally recognised because it contains rare and significant wetland plants and animals and supports high numbers of waterfowl and aquatic species. The lagoon provides year-round habitat and breeding sites for many Tasmanian waterfowl in particular black swans and is an important feeding site for birds migrating from the northern hemisphere. There are numerous Aboriginal heritage sites recorded within the Moulting Lagoon area. Evidence confirms that Aboriginal nations have inhabited Trowunna (Tasmania) for at least 37,000years.TheParedarerme(also known as the OysterBay nation) occupied the area at the time of European invasion. The Paredarerme nation included ten bands and their territory covered7,800squarekilometres.Todaythisareacontinuestobe significant to the Aboriginal community. All Aboriginal heritage sites are protected under the Aboriginal Relics Act 1975. An ideal location for birdwatching, fishing, kayaking and photography.

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