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Mole Creek Karst National Park

Mole Creek Karst National Park
Mole Creek Karst National Park
Mole Creek Karst National Park
Mole Creek Karst National Park
Mole Creek Karst National Park
​​The Mole Creek Karst National Park, features an extensive karst landscape of caves, sinkholes, gorges, streams and springs that weave their way below the surface. These amazing features form a part of the extensive Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area (TWWHA)​. Visitors can access two very different caves, offering contrasting underground environments to explore. Marakoopa Cave is home to a starry display of glow worms and a huge cavern known as the Great Cathedral, which reverberates song with perfect clarity. Two streams flow through the Marakoopa Cave and the sound of running water follows you throughout. In contrast to Marakoopa Cave, King Solomons Cave is compact and drier but still features lavish decorations and striking formations, including impressive shawls, stalactites and stalagmites. The Mole Creek Caves are home to a range of fascinating animals that exist in this unique and lightless underground environment, including cave spiders, harvestmen and crickets. Please visit the Parks and Wildlife Service Tasmania website ( for further information about this national park including how to get there and things to do. Refer to the ‘know before you go’ webpage for more important information about alerts, safety in parks and entry fees.


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