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Lobster Ponds Haven

Freshwater Lobster
Group visiting the Lobster Ponds
Lobster Ponds
Flowerdale home of the Lobster Ponds a unique Tasmanian attraction.
The Lobster Ponds is a tourist and educational destination providing information about the endangered and threatened freshwater lobster, listed as the largest in the world. You will have a guided tour of the ponds which is set in amongst Tasmania's trees. Enjoy a coffee from our café, serving light refreshments overlooking the beautiful Flowerdale hills and valleys. Our current project involves constructing a bird aviary to house orange bellied parrots which like the lobster is critically endangered.



Coach Parking

Family Friendly

Food and Refreshments

Public Toilet

Actively welcomes people with access needs.

Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC icon

Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC

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