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Lillies Bay Picnic area

view from the picnic area Lillies Bay
The area is well equipped with picnic tables and a long drop toilet, but drinking water is not available. Pets are welcome and groups will enjoy the spacious beach and many activities the area lends itself too. The beach is ideal for snorkelling and swimming with shallow crystal clear waters, rocks and old jetty to explore. With a view back towards Mt Strzelecki and a prime location for sunsets, photographers will delight in the changing light and photo opportunities the beach offers. To get there head along Port Davies Rd from Palana Rd, passing Wybalenna historic site, until you reach the rough track to Lillies Bay. Continue on Port Davies road to the mutton-birding viewing platform or boat-launching facilities at nearby Port Davies.


Family Friendly

Pet Friendly - Enquire

Picnic Area

Public Toilet

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