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For the serious angler, with a permit for Tasmania’s inland waters, Lake Barrington is a top spot to cast off.

It’s well stocked with king-size fish by the Inland Fisheries Service.

There’s also plenty of room for a swim, row, water ski, power boat or to paddle a canoe. Or simply sit and stare into the glassy waters that mirror the evergreen surrounds.

A kiosk opens on weekends in summer and during major sports events. Water activity is not permitted within the boundaries of the international rowing course towards the southern end of the lake.

There are camping spots aplenty for an overnighter, and bathrooms in which to freshen up, so it’s a good hit of the outdoors without having to rough it. There are also picnic areas with sheltered tables, and BBQs.

It’s no stress to wander down and be immersed in Tasmania’s wilderness at Lake Barrington, just 15 minutes' drive from Sheffield.

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