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Tasmania is full of surprises, like a mountainous dune system flanked by rainforest. 

The Henty Dunes are 30m tall, reaching several kilometres inland and extending 15km along the coast north of Strahan. These giant towers of sand create a desert-like escape amid the rainforests of Tasmania's west coast. 

The dunes were formed by a wind known as the Roaring Forties that muscles its way across the ocean, from South America to Tasmania's shores.

The dunes are large enough to sandboard on, and boards are available for hire from select businesses in Strahan. After the fun’s had, there’s a shaded picnic area (but no water or toilet facilities). 

There’s plenty of water at nearby Ocean Beach, though. This is Tasmania's longest beach, running beside the dunes, and just a 90min return walk from the picnic area. The beach is unpatrolled and wild, and swimming isn't recommended. 

The dunes are 14km north of Strahan, on the road to Zeehan.

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