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Hartz Pass

Hartz Pass
Hartz Pass is a walk in Hartz Mountains National Park. 3.5 hours return, 6 km return. Grade 3. For reasonably fit walkers, the Hartz Pass walk is a wonderful way to explore the alpine environment and glacial landscapes of the Hartz Mountains National Park. Leaving from the main car park, the track is well marked and the lower sections comprise of raised boardwalks. Winding through low alpine vegetation, you’ll soon reach more open vistas, with beautiful views ahead to Hartz Peak and Mount Snowy. Take a moment to look behind you and enjoy the outlook towards the D’Entrecasteaux Channel too. From here, you’ll continue southwards to Ladies Tarn, before climbing steeply towards Hartz Pass. At the track junction, the left-hand path leads to Hartz Peak, while the trail to the right heads towards Hartz Lake – this section of the trail is marked with cairns. The ground around the lake shores can be damp and slippery underfoot, so exercise caution on this section. Find a quiet spot by the lake to rest, enjoy a snack and appreciate the peaceful surroundings before you return by the same route. Please refer to the Parks and Wildlife Service Tasmania website ( for up-to-date information about this walk, alerts, closures, safe walking guidelines, leave no trace principles and National Park entry fees where applicable.

Does not cater for people with access needs.



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