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Great Western Tiers Cycling Trail - Great Caves Ride

Riders at Chudleigh by Rob Burnett
The Great Caves Ride can be taken as either a one or two day ride and will take you through an area that is home to some of the most famous caves in Australia. If you decide on a one-day tour, you will depart from Deloraine and make your way through Mole Creek via Chudleigh to the caves, before returning to Deloraine along the same road. Make time to stop at the many attractions this area has to offer, including Trowunna Wildlife Sanctuary, the spectacular Alum Cliffs, and the spellbinding King Solomons and Marakoopa Caves. Day two is a beautiful 35km ride along gently sloping country roads to the south of Mole Creek and offers the chance to explore some of the more out-of-the-way townships as you approach the Great Western Tiers. Distance: Day 1 - 72 km, Day 2 - 54 km

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