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Devil's Gullet

Lookout at Devil's Gullet
View from Lookout at Devil's Gullet
View from Devil's Gullet lookout
Standing atop the dramatic cliffs of Devils Gullett, looking over Tasmania’s remote alpine Central Plateau, you cannot see a single sight of human existence – you could be the only person in the world. Devil’s Gullett features dramatic views into a steep, narrow glacial gorge formed by vertical dolerite cliffs 220 metre high and topped by alpine forest. This landscape has been evolving for about 200 million years, since long before Tasmania broke away from the great southern landmass called Gondwana. Devil’s Gullett includes a short and easy 20-minute (return) boardwalk walk from the car park to a lookout overhanging this stunning gorge. From the lookout, visitors can see the entire Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair World Heritage Area from side on, Tasmania’s highest point Mt Ossa (1617metre), the Fisher and Mersey river valleys, Walls of Jerusalem and several other major peaks and valleys. There are no visitor facilities at this site.


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Public Toilet

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