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Clarence Foreshore Trail

Clarence Foreshore Trail 2
Clarence Foreshore Trail 1
Clarence Foreshore Trail 3
The Clarence Foreshore Trail is a multi-user pathway following the shores of the Derwent River. It offers a diverse range of scenery, from picturesque bays filled with moored yachts to she-oak forest and parkland. There are playgrounds, beaches and points of interest along the trail. The quality of the path varies from wide concrete to narrow gravel sections. The total length of the trail is 14.5km between Geilston Bay and Howrah but it can be broken into shorter sections. Activities include Cycling and Walking, and difficulty Levels are both Easy. Dogs should be on a lead and to a distance of two metres on each side of the track. Parking is available at a number of points including DeBomford Lane (Geilston Bay), Simmons Park (Lindisfarne), Montagu Bay Park (Montagu Bay), Kangaroo Bay Parklands (Bellerive), Bellerive Beach Park, Wentworth Park (Howrah), Howrah Recreation Centre, 17a Howrah Road, 47a Tranmere Road or Pindos Park (Tranmere).


Family Friendly

Public Toilet

Disabled access available, contact operator for details.

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