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Carr Villa to Alpine Village track

Carr Villa to Alpine Village track
Carr Villa to Alpine Village track is a walk within Ben Lomond National Park. 2-3 hours one way, 5km. Grade 3. Beginning at Carr Villa, this walk takes approximately 1.5 hours one way with steep gradients up the side of the Ben Lomond Plateau. ​The track leads you up through the last s​mall section of eucalypt forest and onto the plateau, then along to the highest point, Legges Tor, before descending back down to Ben Lomond Road. Once you reach the road, follow it for around 1 km to reach the Alpine Village. Walkers can arrange a vehicle pickup from here or return along the same track. Walking is not permitted along Jacobs Ladder due to the high safety risk. In summer, the route offers an opportunity to enjoy dramatic views of the imposing landscape, along with unique alpine vegetation. The displays of colourful wildflowers are a delight. ​Experienced walkers, who are appropriately prepared with warm, waterproof clothing and confident in their navigational skills, might like to tackle the walk during winter when the park is transformed by snow and ice. Please refer to the Parks and Wildlife Service Tasmania website ( for up-to-date information about this walk, alerts, closures, safe walking guidelines, leave no trace principles and National Park entry fees where applicable.

Does not cater for people with access needs.



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