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Cape Tourville Lookout - Great Short Walk

Cape Tourville Lookout
One of the 60 Great Short Walks of Tasmania. With remarkable coastal views of Freycinet National Park and a well-constructed walkway, this very easy walk is a great way for everyone to experience Freycinet. The elevated track loops around the automated lighthouse at Cape Tourville. The track is wide, with even surfaces and gently graded slopes. Much of the walk is on a raised boardwalk which, at times, takes you right to the cliff edge, offering amazing views. Sights include the Hazards, Wineglass Bay and nearby offshore rocks known as The Nuggets. Keep an eye out for wildlife. Sea birds, sea eagles, whales, seals and dolphins have all been seen from here. Binoculars and a camera are recommended.


Family Friendly


Picnic Area

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