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Canoe Bay

Canoe Bay
Canoe Bay is a walk in Tasman National Park. 2 hours return, 2km one way. Grade 3. Begin by strolling the beautiful white sands of Fortescue Bay before rising over a rocky headland and descending into the sheltered Canoe Bay. Little Penguins burrow between boulders and amongst the tree roots of tall stringybarks. In Canoe Bay you’ll see the remains of a steel-hulled barge, the William Pitt. The barge was used in the 1940s to construct Hobart’s floating pontoon bridge – the predecessor to the Tasman Bridge. In 1955 she was scuttled to become a breakwater behind which small boats could shelter. It’s wonderful snorkelling around the wreck. From Canoe Bay, the track continues for another half hour around the coastline to the delightful Bivouac Bay​ campsite​. Facilities and further activities are available at Fortescue Bay. Please refer to the Parks and Wildlife Service Tasmania website ( for up-to-date information about this walk, alerts, closures, safe walking guidelines, leave no trace principles, and National Park entry fees where applicable.

Does not cater for people with access needs.




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