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Bell Mountain

A view of Mount Roland from the summit of Bell Mountain
A view over the Central Plateau from Bell Mtn
While you won’t notice the unobtrusive Bell Mountain from afar, its location affords unparalleled 360 degree views. Look across Tasmania’s Central Highlands to the south including Lake Cethana, Cradle Mountain and Barn Bluff, Mount Roland to the east and the Dial Range and Valentines Peak to the west, complemented by a beautiful vista to the north across a tapestry of agricultural farmland dissected by the Forth River Valley and Lake Barrington, to an expansive view of much of the northern Tasmanian coastline. The walk is a steep 45 minutes to the summit and only 20 minutes return. Due to the steepness of the track, the descent can be slippery so bushwalking boots or footwear with good traction is recommended. The Bell Mountain Track begins on the C132, about 5-10 minutes drive south of Wilmot.


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