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Arthur River

Arthur River
Milkshake Hills Forest Reserve
View of the Arthur River from Sumac Lookout
Arthur River
Arthur River is surrounded by dramatic coastal scenery and wet forests which is a great base for exploring the Tarkine wilderness area in Tasmania's North West. The town borders the Arthur Pieman Conservation Area where there are facilities for camping, picnics, and barbecues. The tiny West Coast settlement of Arthur River is also the northern access point to the Western Explorer, an unsealed road that takes you to Corinna on the Pieman River, just over 100 km south. Arthur River is the gateway for four-wheel drive explorations and coastal walks. Be prepared for all types of weather when visiting this region.


Boating Facilities


Caravan / Camper Trailer / Campervan Sites / Campsites


Family Friendly



Pet Friendly - Enquire

Picnic Area

Public Toilet

Disabled access available, contact operator for details.

Four Wheel Driving



Horse Riding

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