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Wild Wellness Walk at Three Capes Lodge

Tasman National Park
Tas Walking Co. lodges
*Dates for 2025 TBC Spend four life-shifting days on the Three Capes Track deep-diving into nature, writing, walking and Wim Hof plunging. This winter, join Alice and Piet, for a wild trek along the Southern Hemisphere’s highest sea cliffs, to the world’s edge. Let Piet Blokker (trained by Wim Hof himself!), guide you through the power of breathwork and cold-water submersion. Prepare to embrace your story, through journal writing with author Alice Hansen. Let the healing power of nature have its way between long table dinners and fireside chats. Wild Wellness is a journey to wellness that has the capacity and tools to last a lifetime.
Event Details
  • Friday 1 November 2024 - Sunday 9 November 2025 (Twice a year)

  • 12:00 AM

  • Tasman Peninsula, Tasman National Park, Tasmania, 7172

Does not cater for people with access needs.

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