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Introduction to Blacksmithing — 28+29 June 2025

Artist Sculptor Blacksmith Pete Mattila at Mattilla Studio in Hobart Tasmania
Tools for the Kitchen At this intensive weekend blacksmithing course you’ll learn the fundamentals of hand-forging as you make tools for the kitchen with Pete Mattila. This is a perfect primer for anyone interested in the craft of blacksmithing. We explore and practice a range of forging techniques, while deep-diving into a range of tools and processes that are specific to the iron vocabulary. Each participant will make a set of cooking tools that display a number of practical forging processes. This knife making course takes place in Hobart, Tasmania at artist blacksmith Pete Mattila’s waterfront studio.
Event Details
  • Saturday 28 June 2025 - Sunday 29 June 2025

  • 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

  • 44 Napoleon St, Battery Point, Tasmania, 7004

Does not cater for people with access needs.

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