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Aim high, plummet low or keep hiking boots on the ground at Tasmania’s most popular natural playground.

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Day 1: Around Cradle Mountain

Begin with that view, riding the national-park shuttle bus to the shores of Dove Lake. Absorb the trademark scene of Cradle Mountain rising from its waters, then set out clockwise around the Dove Lake circuit walk.

Choose another trail, for more exploration. Hike to Crater Lake and Wombat Pool, or climb on from Crater Lake to reach Marions Lookout – this is the first section of the Overland Track, providing a taste of the famous hike.

In the evening, head to Devils @ Cradle to watch Tasmanian devils scrap and snarl over dinner.

Stay overnight at Cradle Mountain Hotel.

Day 2: Around Cradle Mountain

Aim high today – set out on foot for the summit of Cradle Mountain. It’s a 12.8km return walk that takes about 8hr. Or take to the skies on a scenic flight with Cradle Mountain Helicopters.

Knead out the kinks with a massage or spa treatment at Waldheim Alpine Spa and stay onsite at Cradle Mountain Lodge

Day 3: Around Cradle Mountain

Slip into a wetsuit and helmet and disappear into Dove Canyon with Cradle Mountain Canyons for a full day of adventure. Or take a more relaxed approach and check out Cradle’s art and history at the Cradle Mountain Wilderness Gallery and Waldheim Chalet.

King Island coastline

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