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Tasmania’s most famous convict settlement combines an idyllic coastal setting with a brutal history.

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Day 1: Around Port Arthur Historic Site

Get your bearings at the Port Arthur Historic Site by joining the introductory walking tour, then board a boat to the Isle of the Dead for a guided tour of the cemetery.

With site tickets spread over two days, head out for a leisurely bite at the Port Arthur Lavender cafe and a whisky and gin tasting at McHenry Distillery.

Continue exploring the historic site on a Commandant’s Tour through its most famous and infamous buildings. 

Dine at the historic site’s 1830 Restaurant and Bar and then venture into the dark on a Port Arthur ghost tour.

Stay overnight at nearby Stewarts Bay Lodge.

Day 2: Around Port Arthur

Fancy a morning walk? Catch the early morning light pouring through Remarkable Cave and head off on a 4hr return hike to Crescent Bay, leading to a beautiful beach backed by high sand dunes in sight of Cape Pillar and Tasman Island. 

Before departing, stop in at the Lufra Cafe and Bistro for a casual bite to eat with knock-out water views, then have a close encouter at Tasmania Devil Unzoo.


King Island coastline

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