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Tarkine Interpretation Centre

Athenaeum Hall in Waratah, Tasmania
Tarkine Interpretation Centre Athenaeum Hall Waratah
Historic photograph display Athenaeum Hall Tarkine Interpretation Centre Waratah
Athenaeum Hall Tarkine Interpretation centre Waratah
Waratah Falls
Athenaeum Hall
Athenaeum Hall Waratah Tasmania
Open January through to April (Easter) Saturdays and Sundays only. Visitors to Waratah will appreciate this building's historic beauty. The original Athenaeum Hall, built in 1886, once served as the social and learning hub of the booming mining town of Waratah. Now home to the Tarkine Interpretation Centre, the Athenaeum Hall has books, visitor information, and interpretive displays about the magnificent Tarkine rainforest, and the fascinating mining and pioneering stories of Waratah. The building also houses a historical photographic collection of local significance. The hall itself gives an impressive welcome as you step onto the original Tasmanian myrtle floors and look to the larger-than-life mural surrounding the stage. Entry is free. Open Sat & Sun 1-5 pm from Jan-April All enquiries should be directed to the Waratah Post Office during normal business hours (03) 6439 7100


Coach Parking

Gallery / Museum

Interpretive Centre

Public Toilet

Disabled access available, contact operator for details.

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