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St Matthias' Anglican Church

St Matthias Anglican Church
Wing Grave
St Matthias' Anglican Church on the banks of the Tamar River, is surrounded by a beautiful, peaceful 180 year old graveyard. It is located in the rural village of Windermere and is a heritage-listed icon in Northern Tasmania. The church was built in 1842 fulfilling a promise by Dr Mathias Gaunt to his young wife before they left England. His wife was concerned that there may not be a church in the area where they would make their home. Dr Gaunt promised that if there was not, he would build one for her. St Matthias' is one of Australia's oldest rural churches and has been in continuous use since its foundation. A Eucharist Service is held every second and fourth Sunday at 9am. The church has been painted and photographed by many recognised artists. This beautiful bluestone gothic chapel with its romantic history is a popular spot for weddings, baptisms and picnics. The scenic drive around Windermere Road is an easy detour from the East Tamar Highway. A 20 minute Smartphone Audio Tour around the graveyard gives an interesting insight into the lives of the pioneer families.

Boating Facilities


Coach Parking

Family Friendly

Lawn / Gardens

Public Toilet

Disabled access available, contact operator for details.

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