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Built in the roaring 1920s, Markree House Museum and Garden is an intimate, transformed home tucked away among Hobart's city streets.

The house was designed in 1925 by architect Bernard Ridley Walker for Cecil and Ruth Baldwin. You can thank Cecil for the intricate design of the garden, which reflects the informal style of the Arts and Crafts Movement of the '20s. The space is filled with original furnishings, together with old portraits and heirlooms from Ruth's family.

The Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery inherited this landmark property from the Baldwins' son, Henry, in what was one of the largest single bequests ever received by an Australian gallery. The museum's focus is the social history and design of the early 20th century, and there are changing displays on themes such as the Arts and Crafts Movement and 20th-century architecture and garden design.

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