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Low Head Lighthouse

Enjoy viewing one of Tasmania's most accessible Lighthouses
The 1833 Lighthouse with the 1888 Lighthouse under construction
Sunset - Low Head Lighthouse
The first lighthouse at Low Head was established in 1833, the second to be lit in Tasmania. Constructed of stone, it was 15.3 metres high and the light consisted of a large number of metal surfaces each with its own oil lamp. A clockwork mechanism provided the means for rotating the light. The lightkeeper's four-room living quarters were located at the base of the tower. By 1888 the original tower had fallen into disrepair and a new tower 21 metres high was constructed of brick. This is the tower you see today. In 1916 a kerosene mantle burner was installed and the character of the light was altered from single flashing to triple flashing. This remains the current signal. In 1941 electric power was extended to the station and the lighthouse apparatus was converted to an electric lamp in place of the kerosene mantle burner. An electric motor was installed to rotate the lens in place of the weight-driven clockwork mechanism. Today the lighthouse continues to project its 3-flash signal every 30 seconds up to 43 kilometres out to sea. At 133 years of age, the Low Head Lighthouse stands as a fabulous testament to our unique maritime history.


Family Friendly

Gallery / Museum

Interpretive Centre

Disabled access available, contact operator for details.

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