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Kenworthy's Stamper Mill

Kenworthy's Stamper Mill- Waratah
Visistors can experience early mining life
Kenworthy Stamper Mill Waratah
Stamper Mill Waratah
Athenaeum Hall
Waratah's pioneering past represents a big part in Tasmania's mining and economic history, made all the more captivating by its remote and wild environment. Kenworthy's Stamper Mill is an impressive display of working machinery which was relocated from Mt Bischoff to the centre of town, next door to the Tarkine Interpretation Centre. Dudley Kenworthy was a local character who continued prospecting for tin near Mount Bischoff mine after it closed in the 1940s. Visitors can view the separation process for themselves with the push of a button. Open seven days - entry is by donation.


Coach Parking

Interpretive Centre

Interactive Centre

Public Toilet

Disabled access available, contact operator for details.

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