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Campbell Town Museum and Visitor Information Centre

Museum and Info Centre
The Campbell Town Museum and Visitor Information Centre is at Campbell Town, in Tasmania's Northern Midlands. It is the halfway point between the north and south and is an ideal place to meet for a picnic or lunch. The Campbell Town Museum is housed in the town hall, having moved from the courthouse in September 2014. The museum contains the local history of the Midlands area including a film projector built between 1930/1935, musical instruments, band music, photos and uniforms from the Campbell Town Brass Band which started in 1844. 2021 Campbell Town celebrates its 200th anniversary. The museum has a display of the 111th Military Hospital stationed at 'Merton Vale' and photos and stories of Campbell Town Campbell Town is on the Heritage Highway between Launceston and Hobart. It is about a 45-minute drive from Launceston (70 km).


Gallery / Museum

Non Smoking

Public Toilet

Shop / Gift Shop

Disabled access available, contact operator for details.

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