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The gold-digging days are over, but Beaconsfield Mine and Heritage Centre is still as lively as ever.

Firmly placed in the history books for the harrowing rescue of Brant Webb and Todd Russell, there is much to unearth here. There’s a 3D digitised model with holograms and screens that explore the underground mine from within the museum. A hologram of Todd Russell greets visitors to explain the miners' lingo with a display that’s mastered sight, sound and emotion to tell it how it was.

There’s plenty to touch, push and pull with loads buttons, displays and levers. There are tunnels to furrow through and animals to find – a blast for all the family. The mine is full of information on the golden years, with those who experienced first-hand the excitement and realities of the elusive hunt for gold. It’s no surprise this site won 2009, 2010 and 2011 - Winner of 'Best Heritage and Cultural Tourism' Award.

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