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Food and Drink

Stanley Wine Bar

shot of the front of the building
Relaxing Lounge
Out the back with a roaring fire
The Stanley Wine Bar is located in the central heart of Stanley’s main street in the North West of Tasmania. The bar is housed in a newly renovated Victorian Cottage that provides a warm and welcoming environment for guests to relax and enjoy Tasmania’s unique wines and spirits. The bar has a heavy emphasis on upcycling, recycling, and repurposing, which has made for an eclectic mix of materials and furnishings that also makes for a warm and welcoming environment. The philosophy of “Stanley Wine Bar” is to provide the very best produce that Tasmania has to offer. Tasmanian staples such as cheese boards and tasting plates, it showcases Tasmanian produce. Tasmania enjoys a global reputation as a leading producer of premium cool climate wines, winning high praise and accolades from wine judges and critics alike. Stanley Wine Bar matches these wines with this seasonal bounty to deliver a true taste of Tasmania. If you are in the North West of Tasmania, Stanley Wine Bar is a must-visit destination that is under two hours away from Devonport’s Spirit of Tasmania terminal.


Disabled access available, contact operator for details.

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