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Food and Drink

Kate Hill Wines

Kate Hill Wines Vineyard Tasmania Cellar door
Wine Varieties
Cellar Door Tasmanian wine Huon Valley
Wine Tasting Huon Valley Tasmania
Established in 2008, Kate and her husband Charles converted a historic 19th century apple shed into a winery and tasting room and then later incorporated a second site, where they have established a four-hectare vineyard and cellar door. The cellar door is an intimate tasting room adjacent to a 1800s heritage listed cottage. Kate produces sparkling, white and red table wines including Riesling, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Shiraz varieties. Kate Hill is no stranger to the world of wine and has been a winemaker in some of the world’s premier wine-making regions including South Australia, France, California and Chile with a number of gold medals and trophies to her credit.

Cellar Door

Disabled access available, contact operator for details.

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