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Winter Challenge Tasmania

75 kayakers paddling off the event startline
Three runners approaching the camera along a gravel path
Two cyclists racing up a sealed road
A runner smiling her way through the trail run
A runner stoked to be out racing through Tassie forest
A mountain biker enjoying their cornering on the course
A runner smiling as he runs along the beach
A crowd of people excited to be present for presentations
The Winter Challenge Tasmania is a two-day multisport event held on Tasmania's pristine east coast on the 16th & 17th August 2024. Over the two days of the event, competitors will kayak in pristine east coast waters, road cycle along coastal roads from beach to beach, mountain bike through some amazing Tasmanian forest, and trail run along beautiful coastal terrain. The Winter Challenge Tasmania is a family friendly event, yet still exciting and competitive for high-end athletes.
Event Details
  • Saturday 16 August 2025 - Sunday 17 August 2025 (Annual)

  • 31 Rheban Road, Orford, Tasmania, 7190



Family Friendly

Public Toilet

Disabled access available, contact operator for details.

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