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Tyson Stelzer's Tasmanian Wine Weekend

Tasmanian Wine Weekend
Together with Tasmania’s top eight winemakers, it’s my great pleasure to invite you to join me for my inaugural Tasmanian Wine Weekend on 23-25 May 2025. Join me at the conclusion of vintage 2025 in the Coal River and Derwent Valleys to walk the rows of the vines with their viticulturists and taste the ferments in the barrel halls with their makers. Enjoy lavish lunches, a cocktail-style dinner, prestige sparkling masterclass and gala dinner, all in the presence of Anna Pooley and Justin Bubb (Pooley Estate), Steve and Monique Lubiana (Stefano Lubiana), Natalie Fryar and Hugh McCullough (Bellebonne and Wellington & Wolfe), Ed and Jen Carr (House of Arras) and Liam McElhinney (Lowestoft). From your arrival on Friday 23 May until departure on Sunday 25 May, this all-inclusive weekend features all wines, meals, transfers via Apple Isle Tours and your choice of the finest local luxury accommodation at Prospect Country House, Acquila Eco Resort or Travelodge Hotel Hobart Airport. Special rates are also available to extend your stay.
Event Details
  • Friday 23 May 2025 - Sunday 25 May 2025 (Annual)

  • 1384 Richmond Road, Richmond, Tasmania, 7025

Disabled access available, contact operator for details.

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