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Tamar Valley Folk Festival 2025

A group called the Clementines playing instruments in Australian bush
A group of people playing instruments and singing into a microphone on stage
Join us for a celebration of music, song, dance and poetry over three magical days. Tamar Valley Folk Festival is held in and around the centre of George Town in the beautiful Tamar Valley. You will enjoy concerts, themed concerts, workshops, children’s events, poet’s breakfast, writers circle, and more! Featuring artists from all over Australia and beyond, gathering to celebrate this great event - and you are invited! Weekend Tickets or individual tickets available.
Event Details
  • Friday 17 January 2025 - Sunday 19 January 2025 (Annual)

  • 12:00 AM

  • George Town, Tasmania, 7253

Family Friendly

Public Toilet

Disabled access available, contact operator for details.

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