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Solstice in the Square

People gather at an outdoor nighttime event illuminated with red lighting.
Fire Pit
Wood fired pizza
Band playing music in the gathering space, illuminated by red lights
Wine being poured into a cup
Captain Jack Sparrow living statue welcoming event patrons
Fire Twirler, illuminated by the red lights
Solo guitarist plays on a stage, in a hall in front of decorated long hall dining. The venue is lite
Silhouettes outlined by the red lights against the hall's walls
Event patrons lining up for food from the food vendors
Solstice in the Square invites you to explore the balance between darkness and light. In George Town’s Regent Square, enjoy a whimsical evening of fireside warmth, live music, delicious food, and mulled wine. Celebrate connection and renewal, embracing the quiet magic and mystery of winter’s longest night in Tasmania. Bring the family! SAVE THE DATE: Friday, 20th of June 2025. MORE INFORMATION COMING SOON!
Event Details
  • Friday 20 June 2025 (Annual)

  • 5:00 PM to 10:00 PM

  • 16 Anne Street, George Town, Tasmania, 7253


Public Toilet

Disabled access available, contact operator for details.

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