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Melbourne to Hobart "Westcoaster" Yacht Race

Three smiling Melbourne to Hobart sailors in wet weather gear kneeling on the pier in Hobart
The ORCV “Westcoaster” is a legendary yacht race where tactics and sailing well can crown you as the race champion, regardless of boat size. Across the 435nm passage, yachts contend first with Bass Strait before taking on the wilderness and ruggedness of the West Coast of Tasmania and the long ocean swell of the Southern Ocean before turning towards the finish line and the shifting winds of the Derwent. For more than 50 years, the Westcoaster has provided sailors with a unique race full of tactical challenges.
Event Details
  • Saturday 27 December 2025 - Saturday 3 January 2026 (Annual)

  • 12:00 AM

  • Elizabeth Street Pier, Hobart, Tasmania, 7000

Disabled access available, contact operator for details.

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