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Kunanyi Mountain Run

Four people running on a slight incline with the blue sky and Hobart dominant
Runners participate in a smoking ceremony
Trail kids run with kunanyi too
A runner passes ferns during their kMR event
A runner powerhikes up the ZigZag Track
A runner on the trail near the Pinnacle of kunanyi/Mt Wellington
A runner navigates vegetation and rocks with Hobart in the background
A woman runs through the finish arch with children next to her
People sitting on tables under umbrellas eating food and drinking
A runner coming up a rocky section with the Montagu Thumbs skyline in the background
Kunanyi Mountain Run is an epic trail running festival, celebrating Hobart’s iconic mountain that is rich in culture, history and incredibly diverse landscapes. With seven run events (ranging from the Foothills 9km to the Ultra Solo 66km), there are options for all running (and walking) abilities. The Palawa (Tasmanian Aboriginal community) generously welcome and share Kunanyi with trail runners, who are invited to "run with Kunanyi". Whether moving through wet ferny gullies, dolerite boulder fields, eucalypt forests, or under the famous Organ Pipes, participants are invited to explore and create their own connection with the sacred mountain, and hear the stories of it too, across the 3-day festival with activities at the runHub.
Event Details
  • Friday 28 March 2025 - Sunday 30 March 2025 (Annual)

  • 136 Wentworth Street, South Hobart, Tasmania, 7004




Family Friendly

Non Smoking

Parents Room

Pet Friendly - Enquire

Pop Up Wine Bar

Public Toilet


Shop / Gift Shop

Disabled access available, contact operator for details.

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