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Evandale Village Fair & National Penny Farthing Championships 2025

Penny Farthings raceing at Evandale
Penny Farthing rider
Start Finish Line at the National Penny Farthing Championships
The wheels of time turn back over a hundred years as the peaceful village of Evandale plays host to the Evandale Village Fair and National Penny Farthing Championships. A full program of Penny Farthing bicycle racing featuring the National Championship. Race athletes and enthusiasts from across Australia and around the world come to Evandale to watch and cheer as the cyclists race around the streets of historic Evandale. Food and drink from the businesses of Evandale are available surrounding the race circuit, along with vendors at the Village Fair in Pioneer Park, along with period themed entertainment and general merchandise. There's something for everyone. Come and join the fun!
Event Details
  • Saturday 15 February 2025 (Annual)

  • 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM

  • Russell St, Evandale, Tasmania, 7212

Disabled access available, contact operator for details.

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